Subscribe to this site
We offer two ways to subscribe to breaking news and information about the Boston Branch:
RSS feed
Email notification list
Both are free and entirely confidential. We will use these subscription services to announce new dance parties, availability of information or fliers about Pinewoods camp, the Boston Highland Ball, and the November concert as soon as it is posted on the Branch website.
Subscribe to one of these today and don't miss any important announcements! We will send the same information to both the RSS feed and the email notification list, so you need not subscribe to both; choose the method that most appeals to you.
RSS feed
This site supports syndication via RSS, the Really Simple Syndication protocol. Many fine news feeds now use the RSS protocol; examples are The New York Times, CNN, BBC news, etc. Now Boston Branch has its own news feed!
The idea behind RSS is that it provides a subscription service that will keep you informed of new, breaking information on this site without your having to continuously monitor the site yourself searching for changes.
In order to use RSS you need an RSS client, or reader. Many free clients exist; for the Macintosh we recommend NetNewsWire Lite; for PCs, Feedreader is free and easy to use. The reader provides you with a vehicle for "one stop shopping" for all the news you care about, via this free subscription model. Modern browsers also support RSS feeds; if you are using Firefox 2.0 or Internet Explorer 7.0, you can just click on the link to subscribe.
Click on the icon and drag it to your RSS reader to subscribe to our RSS feed.
Email notification list
Our email notification list will send out breaking news information via email. In order to subscribe to our list, or to change your mind and unsubscribe from our list, you must fill out our subscription form. The information on this form is entirely optional (except, of course, for your email address), but we encourage you to provide us with some information about yourself. All the information you provide will be entirely confidential (see our privacy statement).