Classes in New Hampshire
= indicates classes sponsored by the RSCDS, Boston Branch
Greenland (Seacoast Dancers)
October-June, Tuesdays, 7:15-9:15 PM; Beginner’s class upon demand.
Greenland Parish Hall, 44 Post Road (Route 151), Greenland, NH
Contact: Merrill Henderson, 207-409-9050
Call ahead to confirm.
Sept - June, Fridays 7:30 PM
Lancaster Town Hall, 25 Main Street, Lancaster, NH..
Vaccinations required, masks optional.
Bill Tobin, 802-751-5512
August-June, Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 PM
Church of the Good Shepherd, 214 Main St., Nashua, NH
Vaccinated dancers only, masks required
Contact: Loren Wright, 603-891-2331
Join the fun
The Boston Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society holds classes throughout greater New England. All classes welcome beginners, and no partner is necessary. Please come to the class nearest you!Click here for an informational flier and a map of New England classes Additions/corrections to the class list should be sent to Webmaster and Membership This list was last updated on June 11, 2024