Pinewoods Sessions
People return from Pinewoods with memories: grand marches wending through the woods at sunset, a world-class fiddler practicing on the porch of her cabin as you pass by, the 31-inch snapping turtle we found living under Long Pond dock.
From the moment you're woken by the sound of pipes drifting through the sentinel pines to the time you follow the glow of your flashlight down the path to your cabin, every day at Pinewoods offers a wealth of stories you won't find anywhere else.
Each July, the RSCDS Boston Branch sponsors three sessions there: a 4-day session for English, Scottish and Contra dancing (co-sponsored with CDS Boston Centre), and weekend and week-long Scottish sessions. All three sessions offer live music and dancing from morning 'til night, with classes for beginning, intermediate, and advanced dancers. We would like to especially encourage young dancers (18+), new dancers, and Pinewoods first-timers to apply.
We hope you’ll join us!